Rabu, 19 September 2012


Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa inggris dimana digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadianfactual dan habitual (kebiasaan), general maupun tidak general, instruksi, maupun rencana atau jadwal.
Rumus: 1) Positif (+) = S+V1(es/s)+O2) Negatif (-) = S+Do/does+Not+V1+O3) questions(?) =Do/does+S+V1+O

Examples :

1.(+) He writes a story every day
    (-) He doesn’t writes a story every day
    (?) Does he writes a story every day?
2.(+) She teaches english every morning
    (- ) She doesn’t teaches English every morning
    (?) Does she teaches English every morning?
3.(+) They studys every night
   (- ) They don’t studys every night
   (?) Do they studys every night?
4.(+) She schools  the every Monday to Saturday
   (- ) She doesn’t schools the every Monday to Saturday
   (?) Does she schools the every Monday to Saturday?
5.(+) They goes to beach every week
   (- ) They don’t goes to beach every week
   (? ) Do they go to beach every week?

Past simple adalah tense sederhana masa lalu dari kata kerja yang paling Inggris (verba biasa) dibentuk dengan menambahkan.

"-ed" / "-d" untuk bentuk dasar mereka. (Jika kata kerja berakhiran "-e", kita menambahkan "-d" untuk membentuk sederhana masa lalu.)

Examples :

1.(+) adi invited me last week
   (-) adi did not invited last week
   (?) Did adi invited last week?
2.(+) went I to school yesterday?
   (-) I went not to school yesterday
   (?)whether i go to school yesterday?
3.(+) You reading the newspaper last week
   (-) You did not  reading the newspaper last week
   (?) Did you reading the newspaper last week?
4.(+) I wroted letter her last week
   (-) I not wroted letter her last week
   (?) Whether i wroted letter her last week?
5.(+) he went to jakarta at five o’clock
   (-)he not went to jakarta at five o’clock
   (?) Did it he went to jakarta  at five o’clock?


 Simple future tanse di bentuk dengan menggunakan "shall/will+ infinitive tanpa to". Shall di gunakan untuk orang pertama tuggal / jamak (i/we). will digunakan untuk orang kedua dan ke tiga tunggal maupun jamak.

*Rumus:1. Positif (+): S+shall+/will+V1+O2. Negatif(-): S+shall/will+not+V1+O3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+V1+O

Examples :
1. (+) He will go to beach teluk penyu tomorrow morning
     (-) He will not go to beach teluk penyu tomorrow morning
     (?) Will he go to teluk penyu tomorrow morning ?
2. (+) I shall buy a new book
    (-) I shall not  buy new book
     (?) Shall I buy new book?
3. (+) I am go to cilacap tomorrow
    (-) I am not go to cilacap tomorrow
    (?) Am I go to cilacap tomorrow?
4.(+) I will give you book tomorrow
    (-) I will not give you book tomorrow
    (?) whether I give you book tomorrow?
5.(+) you will help me lift this table
   (-) You will not help me lift this table
   (?) Will you help me lift this table ?

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